About Us
The idea for Crossroads services arose out of a situation depicted in the TV series ‘Crossroads’ in 1972. One character was disabled by an accident and the effect of this on family and Carers was dramatically portrayed. Many of the viewers identified with the situation and a group of people, including a disabled viewer, got together to set up the first Crossroads Care Attendant Scheme in Rugby in 1973. The first scheme in Scotland was set up in 1977.
Crossroads Lewis was founded in 1986, and began by serving Stornoway and the surrounding district. We have been providing support to the whole of Lewis since 1999.
Crossroads Lewis supports approximately 70 carers and service users on a weekly basis over all our services. We provide home support to carers regardless of age, disability or illness and to those living alone, struggling with
ill-health or loneliness. We also provide a valued Palliative service at home.
Our service is personalised, responds to individual circumstances, and supports carers to maintain their caring role. We aim to prevent carers becoming ill through exhaustion by giving them a break while we provide the care they normally give – including palliative cases.
Those living alone are given companionship, helped to avoid isolation and encouraged in independence – all important in a rural area. By preventing further stress and illness, unnecessary hospital or residential care admission is avoided and service users find encouragement and the will to carry on.
A referral can be made for anyone. A referral may come from a G.P., Community or Specialist Nurse, Social Worker, other agencies or, very often, an individual, relative or friend.
Get in touch to discuss your needs by email at
Or by phone on 01851 705422