Our Services
Our CORE service provides regular rota visits by your Support Worker (for up to 4 hours a week). A Support Worker provides care and support in the Service User’s home. Generally, most care and support tasks that would normally be done by a family Carer, can be done by the Support Worker. This may include personal care tasks.
Our EMERGENCY RESPITE service is 'spot-purchased' from the Social & Community Services Department and is used to give an emergency break for requested hours if we are able to fulfil this.
Our PALLIATIVE service offers regular rota visits by your Support Worker(s) as required.
We also have an EMERGENCY PALLIATIVE service which is held in the highest regard by the local community. This is overnight care, unique to Crossroads Lewis, and enables families to get some much needed rest whilst caring for their loved ones.
We run a SHORT BREAKS service which provides breaks over 4 days / 3 nights with 24-hour care at home provided by Support Worker. Our short breaks are only available for those who do not use residential respite.